On this page we have put together an overview of all our themed guided tours for you. The dates of the individual events can be found in our What's On und im aktuellen Programm. Wir bitten um vorherige Bookingfor groups, all Guided Tours can also be booked by appointment.

MonArchie & Co.

The MONREPOS-guided tour about the emergence of power

»Here comes trouble!«

Where does the human desire for possessions come from? Why would you like to be King or Queen? And why does your neighbour only ever sweep up to the edge of his own property?
In this interactive tour, you will experience firsthand where power comes from and how we need and use it.


The MONREPOS-guided Tour about the creation of faith and homeland

»Speak of the Devil?«

Have you ever moved a mountain with your faith? Do you believe in the truth? Or do you only believe what you see? In this interactive tour you will find out how faith came into the world, what it explains and how it creates a home for us.


The MONREPOS-Guided tour for managers

»How do I motivate my employees?«

How do I deal with good ideas or changing external conditions? And what were my ancestors’ recipes for success?
This guided tour is aimed specifically at executives of companies and institutions. Learn from the management achievements of your ancestors!


The MONREPOS-Guided Tour about the conquest of the world

»…heard it through the grapevine«

Why do we humans have ideas? Invent things? And stay focused until they work?
With this interactive tour, you become a problem solver yourself and learn how we were able to conquer the world by means of innovation.


The MONREPOS-Guided tour about rituals and their origins

»…same old, same old...«

Why do we shake hands? Why is there the same food every Christmas? And why do we think that's good? In this interactive tour you will experience how we use rituals to structure our lives and our environment — and why »monotonous« isn't as boring as it sounds.


The MONREPOS-guided tour about women in the Old Stone Age

»Who wears the trousers?«

Why do women have so little desire to be the boss? Why do they talk more but brag less? And are there really signs in our past that they are the »weaker sex«? During this interactive tour we examine these and many other questions. Woman in the Palaeolithic - what are the myths, what the clichés, what are facts and what is fiction?


The MONREPOS-guided tour about climate through the Ages

»Has the forest always been there?«

Why did we humans settle down?
Have I always been such a top dog? And what does all this have to do with climate change?
You will find out more about these questions and the methods that archaeologists use to answer them in our guided tour.


The MONREPOS-guided tour about genetic predisposition

»Everything about Neanderthal genes and our own health«

Why do some people have hay fever, while others don’t? Why did Neanderthals have an increased risk of heart attack? And who really discovered penicillin?
During this interactive tour you will experience - between several fitness exercises - how much your genetic heritage of the last 300,000 years still influences your health today.


Die MONREPOS-Führung zur Entstehung von Heimat und Fernweh

»Ist die Erde vielleicht eine Scheibe«

Wieso fühlen wir uns hier zu Hause und dort fremd? Und warum zieht es uns immer wieder in die Ferne?
Unser Heimatgefühl und unser Fernweh haben ihre Wurzeln tief in der Vergangenheit.
Woher das alles kommt, erfährst und erlebst Du in unserer interaktiven Themenführung »MonVoyage«.


Die MONREPOS-Führung zur Entstehung der menschlichen Kommunikation

»Hast du`s schon gehört?«

Wer hat das erste Wort gesprochen und warum? Ab wann wurde Sprache zum unverzichtbaren Instrument der menschlichen Kommunikation? Und seit wann nutzen wir eigentlich Symbole zur schriftlichen Weitergabe von Informationen?
Wir Menschen sind wahre Meister der Kommunikation. In der interaktiven Führung  »MonTratsch« erfährst Du anhand archäologischer Funde mehr über unsere kommunikativen Wurzeln und unsere Sprachbefähigung.

The Themed Guided Tours ...

... take place on specific dates, which you can find in our current program. If you are interested, it is also possible to book outside the specified times. Dates for groups by appointment (maximum 20 people).


60 minutes


Please book by sending us an E-Mail to monrepos@leiza.de or call us at +49 2631 97 72-0


Prices per person: 3.- €
Group price (maximum 20 persons): 54.- €
Plus museum admission