MONREPOS ist der Kompetenzbereich für Pleistozäne und Frühholozäne Archäologie des LEIZA

Das LEIZA - Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie, früher Römisch-Germanische Zentralmuseum (RGZM), gehört seit 160 Jahren zu den international wichtigsten archäologischen Einrichtungen in Deutschland. Als Forschungsmuseum der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft widmet das RGZM sich in besonderer Weise der gesellschaftlichen Vermittlung seiner Forschungen.

In internationalen Kooperationsprojekten erforscht und vermittelt das LEIZA die Menschheitsgeschichte. Von ihren Anfängen bis ins Mittelalter. Interdisziplinär und diachron. So erarbeitet das LEIZA einen historischen Referenzrahmen zu aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Fragestellungen.

Apart from the central institute at Mainz the LEIZA also consists of the: Museum für Antike Schiffahrt (Mainz), MONREPOS, Vulkanpark Osteifel (VAT), Labor für Experimentelle Archäologie (LEA)


Institute of Ancient Studies, Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology Division

MONREPOS works together closely with the Institute of Ancient Studies at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz. Prof. Dr. Sabine Gaudzinski-Windheuser occupies a C3 Professorship there and at the same time heads MONREPOS. From the archaeology of early human history to the early Middle Ages, the Pre- and Early Historic Archaeology Division cooperates with major archaeological research facilities and museums of the neighbouring RGZM Mainz and RGK Frankfurt am Main. This methodology- and practice-oriented education confirms Mainz in its role as the leading German location in this field of education.


The Foundation was created in 1986 and is named after the well known explorer and polymath Prinz Maximilian zu Wied (1782-1867). The purpose of the Foundation is the support of research and its mediation in MONREPOS. Together with the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum the Foundation supports the upcoming generation of researchers with the award of the Prinz Maximilian zu Wied-Scholarship.

Founding members and supporters of the Foundation are the Fürst zu Wied, the County and Town Administrations of Neuwied, and the (sponsoring association) Förderkreis des Forschungsbereiches Altsteinzeit e. V.; the State of Rheinland-Pfalz also made a not inconsiderable contribution to the renovation of Schloss Monrepos. The President of the Foundation is the County Commissioner for Neuwied. His deputies are the mayor of the town of Neuwied and a family member of the princely house of Wied.

Sponsoring Association

Der Förderkreis des Forschungsbereiches Altsteinzeit e.V. unterstützt MONREPOS seit 1984. Werde auch Du Mitglied und unterstütze mit Deinem Beitrag unsere Forschung und unser Museum.

Weitere Informationen und Kontakt: Geschäftsführer Boris Quade

Tel.: + 49 (0) 2631/ 806-4620

Pro bono volunteers

Pro bono volunteers form an important part of the MONREPOS Team. They support our research and the museum with their energetic assistance. And - thanks to our archaeological training programme - also with their know-how.

Further information and contact:
Dr. Elaine Turner

Tel. 02631-977219

Scientific cooperation

MONREPOS works in close cooperation with an international network of partners. Together we organize excavations, research projects and conferences. Our cooperation across the world does not only involve other archaeologists. Many other experts, predominantly from the natural sciences, are also involved in our interdisciplinary research.